Our Wellness Center and COVID-19

The State of Montana has ordered facial coverings for all persons before they enter any indoor facility besides their residence. Please be sure to have a face-covering before entering our Wellness Center. Thank you for your cooperation during this time.


  1. When you enter our Wellness Center please have your mask on, check your temperature, and sanitize your hands. We have hospital-grade air purifiers in our reception area and treatment room.

  2.  Avoid entering the building if you have a cough or fever.

  3. Please remember to maintain a distance of at least six feet from one another at all possible times. Our employees may momentarily come closer when necessary to provide services.

  4. If you do have to sneeze or cough (unrelated to illness), please use a cloth or tissue. We have facial tissues available in our restroom and treatment rooms. If you do not have enough time to grab a tissue, please sneeze or cough into your elbow and do not shake hands or engage in any unnecessary physical contact.

  5. We have hand sanitizer effective against COVID-19 available at our reception area for your use. We also have soap and water available in our restroom.

  6. If you prefer to wait in your car for your appointment, please call us when you arrive and we will call you when a treatment room is available and you can go straight to your designated room.

  7. All Bloom Team Members have been instructed not to come to work if sick.

  8. Prior to a patient entering a treatment room, we disinfect each treatment room and door knobs with disinfectant materials effective against COVID-19.

Let’s work together to slow the spread!

Let’s work together to slow the spread!